This episode is very powerful. A.D. talks through growing up in Detroit and leaving for art school. We talk about his experience as a filmmaker, doing documentaries all over the world. He also shares his story of seeing a counselor and seeing the trauma of simply being black in America. I can’t tell you how powerful his message is for God’s people. This episode is sure to challenge you and encourage you toward the kingdom of God. A.D. “Lumkile” Thomason has so much experience navigating the church world and has seen so much of the broader world that theere is so much wisdom in this episode.
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/redrev/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/redrev
Website – http://www.iamredrev.com/
Permission to be Black – https://permissiontobeblack.com/
Documentaries – https://notofthem.com/work/