I also find it hard to explain what I do. I’m a writer, but I’m not a food writer or a blogger or a traditional journalist. I write about anything that strikes me as interesting, which means I’ve written about the military, travel, faith, food and education. Heck, once, I even broke a story about a landfill.
My work has been featured in The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, and Entrepreneur Magazine, among many other publications. My debut novel, Beyond the Point, will be published April 2, 2019 by William Morrow, an imprint of Harper Collins.
Beyond the Point – http://www.clairegibson.com/beyondthepoint
Buy from the Bookshelf – https://www.bookshelfthomasville.com/shop/pre-order-beyond-the-point
John Kenney Talk to Me – https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/549985/talk-to-me-by-john-kenney/
Buy from the Bookshelf – https://www.bookshelfthomasville.com/order-online