They may look very similar. In fact I’m not sure an outsider would be able to tell the difference. I think it’s only something you know.
I am building bookshelves right now. I don’t do a lot of woodwork. I enjoy this stuff but rarely feel comfortable doing it. As I am painting tonight I notice all sorts of places I missed sanding. I thought I had knocked sanding out of the park. I had not. I did notice however that I got better on the second bookshelf. Maybe only slightly, but still better.
I have noticed that perfection for me has more to do with a fear of failure than it does with excellence. Perfection freezes me. It reveals my own imperfections and my fear that others will see them too. Had I not started painting I would have no bookshelves. If I had obsessed over perfection my books would still be on the living room floor.
In fact, excellence will never come if you are obsessed with perfection. Excellence only comes with imperfection. It only comes with making mistakes and failure. Don’t miss out on excellence because you are obsessed with perfection. In pursuit of the latter you will never achieve the former.
Nikki Learner is something that has found excellence in being faithful over a long period of time. Her journey has changed and she has found new ways of walked out her calling. Check out her episode.
Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash