This week at the magic table we are talking about a huge milestone we are about to hit. Fifteen years of marriage seems like forever. I know that in that grand scheme of things it is not that long, but we have now been a couple longer than we were single. We have seen our fair share of ups and downs and have learned a lot during our marriage. JJ also has some great experience counseling couples and brings all of that wisdom to the table (no pun intended). We talk about one of the killers of relationships: expectations. We talk about our own journey of understanding expectations of each other. This is a valuable piece to this relationship puzzle. Another important topic we talk about is singleness and the role of singles in our lives. This is a group of people that is seriously missing from the church, and I think the church has failed single people. We talk about how enriched our family is from spending times with single people. We hope that you are challenged and pushed forward by our conversation. We would love to hear from you so let us know what you thought or if you have other things that have really helped you in your relationships.
Enneagram Institute – https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/
Type Combinations – https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/the-enneagram-type-combinations
TOH Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theologyofhustle/
JJ’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/jjblandford/
100th Episode Spectacular – https://curreyblandford.com/aaron-jody-hoekstra/
Nicole Zasowski – https://curreyblandford.com/nicole-zasowski/