This title may be a little too grandiose for what I am planning to talk about today. God’s will is a topic that has been batted around by theologians throughout history. All of which is to say that my goal here is not to be comprehensive.
So what is God’s will for your life? We can spend so much of our time worrying about and meditating on the will of God when it is directly in front of us. So many times God’s will is not something that we ask and pray and receive. For many, it is not until we step out into something that we see God has had a plan all along.
So I say whatever passions God has put on your heart – step out in them. You will be surprised the places God will take you. I will almost guarantee that it will not look like you assume. God’s plan rarely squares with ours, but know that he has created you for good works that he has prepared in advance.
My buddy Judah is a great example of that. He has always loved sports. Judah’s road has not always been direct. It has had major ups and downs, but God has brought him to a place of doing what he loves. Check out his episode now.
Photo by Tom Rogerson on Unsplash