We talk about this deeply held belief that people have that we should just be ok and it’s not okay to not be okay. This mentality keeps so many people from seeking out the help that they need and it is damaging to us as a society and to the church. We talk about the barriers to receiving mental health help, when it is time to seek help, and how to find the right person.
We want to give you permission to seek out help. You are valuable enough to do it for yourself. Your relationships will improve and your life will be more joy filled when the behaviors and habits you depend on for survival have their proper place.
I have interviewed so many amazing people about Mental health and there are great resources out there. Be sure to look at my other episodes that talk about this really important topic. We would love to answer any questions you might have so feel free to reach out with any questions. So can Christians see a counselor? Well I assume you already know the answer, but that means you. It is easy to say “others should get help.” Harder to say, “I should get help.”
Curt Thompson, Anatomy of the Soul – https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781414334158
National Geographic, COVID-19 is taking a heavy toll in America’s mental health-care deserts – https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/12/coronavirus-is-taking-heavy-toll-america-mental-health-care-deserts/
Alison Cook – https://curreyblandford.com/alison/
Daryl and Sara Van Tongren – https://curreyblandford.com/daryl-and-sara-van-tongeren/
Chuck DeGroat – https://curreyblandford.com/chuck-degroat/
Cameron Lee Small – https://curreyblandford.com/cameron-lee-small/
Nicole Zasowski – https://curreyblandford.com/nicole-zasowski/