This episode with Dr. Walter Strickland has so much good stuff. For the topic of work specifically this episode is really practical. Dr. Strickland talks about his education, and discovering that something was missing from the way he was taught Bible and theology. His teachers answered a lot of questions, but could not answer what it means to be black and read the Bible. This calling has become the center of Walter’s life. He has devoted his work to training others to answer these questions. He has also built and org to help others answer these questions. We talk about the importance of culture and how we can be better readers of the Bible. You do not want to miss this episode.
Website – http://walterstrickland.com/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/w_strickland
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary – https://www.sebts.edu/
Benjamin T. Quinn; Walter R. Strickland II, Every Waking Hour: An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians – https://lexhampress.com/product/62117/every-waking-hour-an-introduction-to-work-and-vocation-for-christians
Charles Octavius Boothe, Plain Theology for Plain People – https://lexhampress.com/product/136743/plain-theology-for-plain-people
The Strickland Institute – https://www.stricklandinstitute.com/
Esau McCaulley, Reading While Black – https://www.ivpress.com/reading-while-black
Jude 3 Project – https://jude3project.org/
Vince Bantu – https://curreyblandford.com/vince-bantu/
Timothy C. Tennent, Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the Global Church Is Influencing the Way We Think about and Discuss Theology – https://www.amazon.com/Theology-Context-World-Christianity-Influencing/dp/0310275113
JESUS WITHOUT BORDERS: CHRISTOLOGY IN THE MAJORITY WORLD – https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/jesus-without-borders-christology-in/9780802870827-item.html?ref=isbn-search
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes – https://www.ivpress.com/misreading-scripture-with-western-eyes
SEBTS Kingdom Diversity – https://www.sebtskingdomdiversity.com/
Anthony Bradley – https://curreyblandford.com/anthony-bradley/
Timothy Larsen – https://curreyblandford.com/tim/