A Theology of Hustle
A Theology of Hustle
Dean Storelli | Writing Instructor at Duke University, Navigators 20s Staff
[ep 11] Dean Storelli is a writing teacher at Duke University, but he also works for a faith-based organization, The Navigators. Dean also writes and travels, giving workshops and making presentations. Dean’s work with the Navigators has to do with how the Kingdom of God intersects with work. He has a lot of thoughts on how we use work and the theological basis for working. I think you are really going to enjoy hearing from him.

Plowing in Hope – https://amzn.to/2udKbe5

Surprised by Hope – https://amzn.to/2u8BYcf

Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture – https://amzn.to/2ucwFrf

Navigators work and calling – https://www.navigators.org/work-calling-contribution

Dean’s Website – http://human365.org

Talk: Sharing the Gospel through Listening, Learning, Loving and Laughing with the People Around Us Every Day (Dean’s Book – https://amzn.to/2lZ6hgI