Many times people don’t know what the difference is between safe families and foster care or the actual role of foster care vs. adoption. We try to break that down in this episode and educate everyone on these roles. We also give resources both for families looking to bring kids into care and for those looking to support families with kids already in the home. Education is so important in this world because far too many people get themselves in over their heads. It is really easy to enter in with rose colored glasses and get burnt out really quickly. People need education to enter into these kids’ lives for the long haul. Love over time is what brings wholeness to kids lives. Kids from hard places deal with a lot of brokenness but there is such beauty to the journey. We get to step into both of those at the same time along with these kids to be people who change things for the better.
Replanted Ministry – https://www.replantedministry.org/
Replanted Book – https://www.templetonpress.org/books/replanted
Replanted Conference – https://replantedconference.org/
Austin Angels – https://www.austinangels.com/
Susan Ramirez | Founder and CEO Austin Angels – https://curreyblandford.com/susan-ramirez/
Gwen Hicks | Amarillo Angels – https://curreyblandford.com/gwen-hicks/