A Theology of Hustle
A Theology of Hustle
John Mark McMillan | Singer, Songwriter
[ep 31] John Mark McMillan has been one of may favorite musicians for a long time. His songs simply speak deeply to me. It was a really amazing experience to get to talk to him. I love hearing from people about creativity and John Mark does not disappoint. We talk a lot about what it means to have your creativity tied to your paycheck. He has a lot of insight into worship that is super helpful. We also talk at length about Gangsta Rap and how it informs how we think about worship. You are not going to want to miss this interview. Check out his newest album. I’ll link to it below.


Official store – https://www.johnmarkmcmillan.com/store/

Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/7IWHi1jIy8JGMakViy7fPy?si=fUotRs1AQhWE2JMarmO8Bw