A Theology of Hustle
A Theology of Hustle
The Magic Table | Protecting your mental health in a pandemic
[no 12] JJ works with people navigating mental health during this time. It seems like at first it was ok to struggle, but as time as gone on it is no longer really ok to not be ok. We expect way too much from ourselves and others and as a consequence much of our mental health has took a turn for the worse. Things are still hard. It’s ok to struggle and we just try to give permission for that today. We look at all the things around the pandemic and how things have changed. Building your mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it is often not acknowledged. We talk about practical ways to keep up or build up your mental health even in a time like this. There is a lot of great insight here that is sure to challenge and lift you up.



Pantsuit Politics – https://www.pantsuitpoliticsshow.com/

Self Care episode – https://curreyblandford.com/the-magic-table-how-do-you-do-self-care/

Cosmic Kids Yoga – https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Olive and June – https://oliveandjune.com/