The Book of Revelation and Work
A Theology of Hustle
A Theology of Hustle
Revelation and Work | Introduction
[ep 145] I love getting to delve into people’s stories. It is such a joy to just create that space for people. Sharing those stories does mean I have not gotten a chance to do teaching around the topic of work so this week we are diving into a 4 part series talking about the book of Revelation and work. Revelation is certainly misunderstood in so many ways today. Revelation has been manipulated throughout the years by many and it has caused most of us just to stop listening. Revelation can be confusing with it’s wild imagery, but I think we are missing out on a lot. This book was written to the church to edify and lead to greater fidelity for the body of Christ. I think once you get more familiar with the book you will see how important it can actually be for everyday life.

This week I do all the introductions. In order to talk about Revelation and work we need to introduce 2 concepts, namely Revelation and work. This week I give a definition for what I mean when I say work. It is a much bigger part of our lives than we even realize. I also give a really quick intro into understanding Revelation by talking about the 3 genres of Revelation. This is a really simple understanding but will yield a lot of fruit. While the book can seem really complicated, it can be understood and I am here to help facilitate that for you.

I can’t wait for y’all to take this journey with me. I would love to hear what you are thinking so be sure and reach out. Let’s talk.


Michael J. Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation –

Miroslav Volf, Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work

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