Hi there! I’m Torie. I’m a doctoral student in Sociocultural Anthropology at Indiana University studying domestic transracial adoptions. I’m a spoken word poet and an aspiring artist. I’m a sister and an aunt. I’m a collector of postcards, a lover of plants and an advocate for racial justice in the Christian church. I’m a heart on my sleeve, ice cream for dinner, Motown in the kitchen cleaning dishes, poetry before bed, old-soul.
I also happen to be a transracial adoptee on a lifelong journey towards an integrated and celebrated racial identity. I grew up one of two biracial African American/Caucasian children in a white Italian-American home in the upper-middle class suburbs of Greater Cincinnati, OH. From multicultural bedtime stories to the 1% ‘of color’ at my independent high school, navigating life as a biracial adoptee has taken varying degrees of emotional investment and energy throughout my life, each new stage welcoming in new emotions, revelations and insights about my complex identity.
Just like you, I contain multitudes and my identity is nuanced. It’s my hope that this site and my blogs will continue to shed light on the multi-layered experience of transracial adoptees in particular. Thanks for allowing me to be vulnerable and thanks for receiving my thoughts with kindness.
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/wreckageandwonder/
Website – https://wreckageandwonder.squarespace.com/
Timothy Keller – Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just
Adoptees On Podcast – http://www.adopteeson.com/
Born in June Raised in Aril by April Dinwoodie – https://
Reshma McClintock – http://