A Theology of Hustle
A Theology of Hustle
Cody Fields | Westminster Effects and NosePedal
[ep 49] The Noseminster family began when Cody Fields started Westminster Effects in 2015 with the aim of equipping worship guitarists. In 2017, Fields acquired NosePedal (established in 2011 in Nashville) order to meet the unique pedalboard needs of the modern guitarist. Both brands now exist under one umbrella company with each brands featuring their own strengths.

Both Nose and Westminster pedals are totally handmade. Nose’s focus is taking what already goes on at your feet when you’re playing guitar and making it an overall better experience. We accomplish this by 1) working with individual customers and building custom pedals, 2) providing a wide selection of utility or “add-on” pedals, 3) creating great mods, and 4) improving sound quality.

Westminster’s goal is to provide high quality guitar effects at reasonable prices for everyone, particularly the worship leading community. As the demands of worship music quality increase, so too does the need for gear that sounds uniquely awesome. We hope to adequately meet that need while making all of our pedals affordable to the average player, not just the guys who have the most amazing Instagram pedalboards.

You may have also noticed that we have a bent toward featuring theologians, particularly ones who have been dead for a while. That’s because the Christian church’s history, particularly among the Reformed branches, is incredibly rich with some amazing characters. Everything aesthetic is intentional and every pedal name is planned with specific aspects in mind.


Sheologians – https://www.sheologians.com/?s=muenster

Westminster Effects Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/westminstereffects

NosePedal Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/nosepedal/

G7th Capos – https://www.g7th.com/#